Flash player plugin is a helper software for some web content. Sometimes, this plugin / software has critical vulnerabilities so we can’t always be safe. We must update our plugins frequently.

Now, we will talk about Flash Player vulnerabilities and updates. You can see a warn message which the following on top of Firefox browser.

[1] Warn Message

This message is important for your OS security so you must update the plugin. If you don’t know how to update, you can just follow steps following.

1. Download latest version of Flash Player from Official Web Site.

Select “.tar.gz for Linux”, because for manual installing.

2. Extract files to anywhere

tar -xzvf flash.tar.gz

3. Read “readme.txt” file 🙂 If you can’t understand steps on this file, you can follow here.

4. While in the folder which extracted,

sudo cp usr/* /usr
sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

That’s all 🙂

5. If you still see warn message, try these steps:


sudo cp libflashplayer.so <firefox_folder>

5.2. Find location of plugin file and replace it with new. We can learn the name of the file we’re looking  from add-ons menu.

sudo find / -name libflashplayer.so
sudo cp libflasplayer.so <path_which_found_above>