Hi everyone! I had a new experience on micro controllers and I would like to share with you this experience. We bought a micro controller that named “Teensy” to learn new things. When I tried to use multi sensors at the same time, I saw too many code lines because of library problem. For example, BMP180 sensor isn’t used with clean code on Teensy devices because there is no library. So I decided to develop libraries for Teensy devices.

If it isn’t problem that there is too many code lines, you can use this page to use BMP180 with Teensy.

If you want to use short sketches you can use BMP180 library. This library was developed by me and it’s my first library. The library is not good example for the development because there are some missing parts.


You can use the example in the library for first using.


21.12 C | 908.82 mb | -0.33 cm
21.12 C | 908.81 mb | -0.28 cm
21.12 C | 908.80 mb | -0.18 cm
21.12 C | 908.76 mb | 0.22 cm
21.12 C | 908.78 mb | 0.03 cm
21.13 C | 908.80 mb | -0.19 cm
21.12 C | 908.80 mb | -0.18 cm
21.12 C | 908.73 mb | 0.52 cm
21.11 C | 908.74 mb | 0.40 cm
21.12 C | 908.74 mb | 0.42 cm
21.10 C | 908.68 mb | 0.95 cm
21.12 C | 908.73 mb | 0.48 cm
21.11 C | 908.71 mb | 0.70 cm
21.11 C | 908.76 mb | 0.17 cm
21.11 C | 908.74 mb | 0.37 cm
21.11 C | 908.75 mb | 0.30 cm
21.12 C | 908.75 mb | 0.25 cm
21.11 C | 908.77 mb | 0.07 cm
21.10 C | 908.69 mb | 0.88 cm
21.10 C | 908.71 mb | 0.69 cm